Day 30 – 27.04: Beware The Crow and The Nigerian Scammer

The morning began with the familiar pain that I’ve – for better or for worse – started getting used to, followed by the usual procrastination – something I wish wasn’t as familiar as it is.

The day’s agenda was to go to the zoo for a second round with Jess and a few other people she had invited. Due to a pub crawl the night prior, we decided to meet up at 14:00 instead of 11:30. I also intended on going out to Roppongi (六本木) with my friend, Brendan, at a later point in the day.

Procrastination went on until about 13:00. That’s when I decided to go and take a shower and start moving towards the station. Pretty much right after getting out of the shower and having gotten clothed, I went out to walk towards the Ueno station (上野駅)… that is until I noticed that I was missing my wallet and my passport. I quickly returned to the hostel to pick those up and got back to walking towards the station.

On my way there, I remembered that I actually hadn’t had any breakfast, so I stopped by a place where I expected to get a quick burger to get the hunger out of the way – it took me fifteen minutes to get the burger and it tasted of disappointment. I continued onwards.

Someone had gotten on the way of the bus that Jess was taking, so she was a bit late. I decided to wait for her at the station.

Time passed on and I was wondering where she was; her train had arrived already. I asked her, and she said that she was outside the station. I looked, but couldn’t find her. I asked again, but this time she said that she was at the zoo gates – I hate the fact there are a billion different entrances to this station. Her having said that, I started heading towards the zoo myself.

I met her and the kids at the zoo gates and soon got in. We found the rest of the crew inside. We walked around the zoo for a good while, looking at whatever animals were at display until we noticed that the closing time was approaching. We started hurrying to the other side, to see things there.

When we got there, most of the interesting animals had already been moved inside, and so we decided to leave the park. After we got out, we got ourselves something to eat from the stalls by the lake we came to. After the eating was done, we decided to seek out a bar and have drinks.

After a little while of walking towards Akihabara (秋葉原), we found a place to drink at. We stayed there for a while, drinking and talking, before deciding to start splitting up. When I was alone, I started walking towards the hostel to meet up with Brendan.

Brendan had a capsule in the same floor as me, so we met there. Before heading out to get drunk, we decided to get some dinner from Sewa (世話). After we were done with the awesomely spicy curry, we headed out for Roppongi (六本木).

Pretty much right after we got out of the station, the Nigerians started swarming around – I counted three attempts in the first five minutes. We kept walking and ignoring everyone until we got to a place that was way off the bar area. So we go to the other side of the road and head back.

On our way back, we went to The Hub to get pints. They were, of course, quite expensive, but what else would you expect of Roppongi (六本木)? With our pints emptied, we decided to start looking for another place.

We walked around for a while until we got closer to the station and started encountering more scammers. We walked, mostly ignoring them all. Brendan counted the attempts and ended up with twelve attempts. Some more walking later, we got to an English pub called Hobgoblin. I got us the round of pints this time. When we were done with our pints, we headed out to the station to check if the subway was still in operation.

We got to the station, but to our disappointment, the last trains had already gone, and the subway was being closed for the evening. With no other options, we got ourselves a taxi and got back to Iriya (入谷).

After having arrived to Iriya (入谷) and having paid our dues, we headed out to look for an ATM. We went through a couple of ATMs, but all of them were closed due to the weird time based system in Japan. With our steam gone, we decided to get back to the hostel and just go to sleep.

This is where the thirtieth day ended.


Withdrew: 0,000

Spent: 9,920

Remaining cash: 11,813

No counting due to being semi-drunk and tired.


VM – 0,200

Meh burger – 1,100

Ueno Zoo – 0,600

Squid – 0,500

Expensive coke – 0,300

Bar with Jess and Co. – 1,000

Dinner at Sewa – 1,990

Metro to Roppongi – 0,200

Hobgoblin – 2,000

Taxi to Iriya – 2,030

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